Monday 30 June 2014

Expressing your Feelings with Creative Art

Kim Kelley loves to learn and explore new techniques and hopes that any art she creates leads someone to find their inner creative artist. She loves mixed media art because you are free to go beyond your comfort zone, using your imagination and exploring an anything goes mind set. On the other hand some people will tell you they find themselves in the creative mood when they are happy while some say that their best piece of art came out of their lowest time.

For Kim the more “personal art” she has created over the years, came out of her being at her saddest. This is when Koda, a family puppy got sick with an auto immune disease until at a point when they had to let him go because his white blood cells had dropped from medication and was not improving. She wanted to create something as a result.

She started with a 9 X 12 canvas, cutting a square in the center for her picture to show through. After adding textures and letting them dry, she used some copper, orange and gold sprays to mimic the colors from the photo she was going to use. The inside was painted with brass and black paints and outside white paint mixed with a little bit of stucco for texture. She added a few metal pieces angel wings, a key, a lock and a dog tag that has “KODA IN OUR HEARTS FOREVER”.

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