Saturday 4 April 2015

The Fear of saying No

To gracefully say No is about managing our feelings and asking yourself some questions before you answer. However learning to say No for some of us is foreign and uncomfortable but it can be achieved with practice. Sometimes we have the feeling of doubt which can stem from fear again of “Do I really want to turn this down? Will this opportunity present if self again if I do say no?”
Success can be based on the reflex habit of saying yes to every opportunity that is presented to us. Remember that you are worthy of every exciting opportunity that comes your way and don’t let this create a fear of saying Yes! In the event you are an artist, consider the following if you are faced with an opportunity for your artwork or craft experience:
  • Do you have enough knowledge on the subject?
  • Can you afford an art retreat?
  • Do you mind not being paid?
  • Do you have the time for this project?
  • Will learn anything from this opportunity?
Let’s think about this fear of losing an opportunity. This is an everyday challenge for most of us. Perhaps it has become stressful to find the time or the inspiration to continue, you guilt yourself into thinking “Well I committed so I have to see this through”. Perhaps it comes with a financial burden and you can’t afford to keep going. That is when yes becomes stress.
Never the less your time and talent is valuable. Opportunities can bring about friendships and furthering your skills and those are joys in life.

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